Get easily approved on google ad-sence with the help of your youtube account.
If you are performing this process step by step then choose same account for both youtube and Blog.
✎ Create a new Google account for ad-sence.
✎ Now go to youtube and create a channel with at least 6 videos and 100-200 views by real traffic,
you can get real traffic by making a photo video collection of your school or collage, and then sharing it
on the social media,you can name the video for example:- all in Hardward University or something.
you can get real traffic by making a photo video collection of your school or collage, and then sharing it
on the social media,you can name the video for example:- all in Hardward University or something.
Creating a channel
Youtube always ask you to create a channel when a new user sign ins
So, give a unique name to your channel and upload channel profile photo and banner.
To get adsence approved requires around valid 1000-1500 subscribers by total of all videos and 4000 valid public watch hours.
✎ Now go to Your Videos tab. There you will find monetize option or a dollar ( $ ) sign.
✎ Click on enable tab, check the box of 'accept all the terms and conditions'.
✪ Move to your blogger blog/website.
✎ Go to google adsence and sign in.After 2 or 3 hours you will get an e-mail from google, saying, your adsence account has been approved successfully.
Note : Dont use any copyright songs or clips in your videos otherwise your account will get banned.
Keep Visiting.
✪ Move to your blogger blog/website.
✎ Go to google adsence and sign in.After 2 or 3 hours you will get an e-mail from google, saying, your adsence account has been approved successfully.
Note : Dont use any copyright songs or clips in your videos otherwise your account will get banned.
Keep Visiting.