Wednesday 11 June 2014

Like And Share Increasing Trick For Facebook And Other Sites(With A Website)

 This Post Is To
Increase your facebook » followers,post shares,photo likes,
youtube»likes,subscribers,viewers,instagram,twitter,,pinterest,vine,soundcloud, reverbnation,myspace,vcontakte and etc. for free

And Its Instructions


 1 The goods we are going to talk about you have read them above,now inst.

2 In you will get free 50 points as a trial pack.

3 Now to add your goods(page link,video link,profile link,website,etc.)  select 'Add

4  Be sure to type the name of your page,video,username,website etc.

5  Select the countries from where you want the users to like your good/goods you
    can also select users from worldwide.

6 Now select CPC(cost per click which is max upto 10) to 9(greater the CPC less
   the time).

7 Sit back and see your good/goods getting famous.


By the 50 points you can only increase 5 likes or shares or followers or website hits.

8 To increase your points, click on website hits from lower left (it will automatically
   run like a video in your browser and will earn different CPC as paid by other
   users of Addmefast)but it is limited ifyou want more points you can also choose
   other source of earning like by facebook likes,facebook shares,youtube
   likes,youtube views etc.


You can also receive free 150 daily bonus points buy completing 20 social promotions,but for this your account must be used daily and it should be at-least 60 days old.

Referral Link:-